43 Search Results for: war on disabled people

How the NHS Was Won

The National Health Service was born on this day in 1948. Although celebrated today, its creation was the product of a long struggle by the workers' movement against healthcare profiteers.

How the NHS Was Won

The NHS wasn't handed down by elites, it was won through struggle – one which pitted Aneurin Bevan and the labour movement against the interests of the healthcare profiteers.

For Victory and Socialism

Labour must avoid being dragged to the centre in this general election campaign. It's time to make the case for socialist policies that would transform the lives of millions.

Starmer’s Latest Lurch to the Right

Starmer's response to last week's election disaster has been to push further rightwards in messaging and personnel – a move that will make it even harder for Labour to articulate a progressive alternative.

The Inflation Class War

Right-wingers have recently discovered the cost of living crisis, and sought to blame it on workers – but it has its roots in an economy built to enrich a tiny minority at the majority's expense.

The Free Press Fantasy

We often hear that the media’s job is to hold power to account — but in reality, its function is to project the views of the powerful across society.

The Growth Delusion

In today’s Budget, Jeremy Hunt talked about ‘growth’ but delivered policies that will lock Britain into years of low pay and crumbling public services.